Some of my weird sayings and what they mean. Remember, you came here, so don't whine at me if I'm crazy.
Don't Question the Madness
Not everything in life makes sense. Some things are specifically crafted not to make sense. So don't dwell on anything that you can't figure out, it's probably the first reason that comes into your head.
Bucket of Grapes
Predicting the future for some people is like gluing a bucket of grapes to a tree and putting some monkey's nearby. First, the monkeys will throw rocks at the bucket. It's funny! Then, they'll start shaking the tree. You see it coming, and it's funny! Finally, one of them climbs the tree, and eats the grapes. Afterwards, the monkey realizes how easy it was, and it's funny!
Except if it takes weeks for them to climb the tree. Then it just gets annoying
The bunny's gonna get ya!
There was a TV show where a crazy guy brought a stuffed bunny that "only he could hear talk" to a fancy restaurant. When he realized that everyone was staring at him, his response was, I am not crazy! *holds up the bunny* Stop staring or we will kill you all!" There's a silimar expression from the same show:
The monkeys will come and rip out your heart
What a bad parent tells their kids will happen if they don't watch their hands before they eat.
Naw, I ain't DAT dwunk, I is JUST soita happy-like...
This usually means the person is drunk out of their minds, but doesn't realize it
Kiss the serpent
It's from the book Temple of the Winds by Terry Goodkind. You probably don't want to know, though.
You're gonna die, clown!
This is from Happy Gilmore, where he was at a miniature gold course. You had to hit the ball into the clown's mouth, and every time he would try, the giant clown head would move it's teeth down and block the ball. Finally, he got the ball in, and the clown made a spitting noise in its "throat," and spit the ball out. Happy Gilmore shouted his famous phrase and knocked the clown's nose off. Sparks flew everywhere. This phrase is similar to "You're going upside-down, clown" and various things like that.
The lag demons are raping me
Personification of computer lag
Put it in the box, and bury it in the backyard. We will never speak of it again.
I forget exactly where I heard this from, but it now applies to non-physical things as well. It does NOT mean that the box is a coffin, like some people think it does.
What is it with you humans?
A variation of "What is it with you people? I've seen more naked women since my trip from Westland than in the whole of my life! And not a one of you seems the least bit...whoops, wrong quote!" When that one died, I came up with a quick replacement
All words are symbols
I don't think in terms of logic and words. I think in terms of emotions and patterns. So don't mistranslate something I said to something anyone with common sense knows I didn't mean, cause obviously I didn't
I will not carry the blanket.
This isn't my expression, but I figured it should still go up. There's a part in a book (same series as Kiss the Serpent) where manipulating people is supposed to be easier if you give them unimportant stuff. The blanket is symbolic of this.
Broken Fish
What you throw at someone who tells a bad pun. Reason is currently being worked on, but some poeple think the joke flopped like a broken fish.
Singing the Boo-yah Song
Explanation still being given. Closest relevance is going along by yourself knowing that your sphere of influence does not touch the situation shown.
Crazy Acronyms
WYMNB - Who's Yo Momma Now Boy?
ISTOJIMGTADAG - I still think O.J. is more guilty than a dead Amish guy.